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About Us


Women of Substance and Beauty

Gowns and Gardens    is an event company focused on producing in-house women’s events and uplifting gatherings for women who want to grow not just professionally and financially; but also with character and integrity.


We believe in providing opportunities and content where women can come relax, and enjoy life, in a soothing, glamorous way while becoming the best version of themselves. We strive to produce memorable events that you will want to come to time and time again.




We also believe in giving back to the communities around us, which is why have established Gowns and Gardens House of Charities (GG House   ), a 501(c)(3) Public Charity (EIN# 99-1670732) focused on improving the lives of women and children through education, resources, and personal development with focuses on:


  • Rehoming awareness (Unregulated Child Custody Transfers)

  • Foster Homes/ Orphanages

  • Widows Financial Support Groups

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Education





A voice for femininity, strength and power! Gowns and Gardens    gives women an opportunity to interact and enjoy life in exceptional ways that encourage, empower, and restore through elegant engagements, great speakers, and unique locations that are beautiful and rejuvenating to the mind, body, and spirit.




To expand the opportunities for women to enjoy life and become the best version of themselves.

The Heartbeat of Our Organization



A time to celebrate being feminine


  • Life can be demanding, work, children, husbands, hobbies, managing a home, time for you, and all the many other things that can come up. Sometimes it gets all too easy to be in clothing that just does not speak to who you are or your femininity; but it was clean and appropriate for the occasion so that is what you put on.


  • It is safe here. We recognize that traumatic experiences can leave you feeling vulnerable and, in that process, one might try to make themselves unnoticeable in big clothes, understated colors, and covered in as many layers as the weather will let you tolerate. Here it is safe to express yourself in that dress, in those heels and in that fabric. Give yourself a chance to walk out in and explore that other side of you.




We are committed to your personal growth and development


  • We believe in growing you wither it is in your confidence, your perspective, or your character we believe is supporting your growth through the services we deliver.


  • Money, diamonds, houses, clothes, and cars are great; but at the end of the day things will not make you feel better or be better in your sole. The only thing that really helps you be better and feel better is growing who you are as a person.

    • We do this through engaging speakers that speak to topics that improve your mental health, character, and mindset

    • Shearing our stories and perspectives in the Gowns and Gardens    community

    • Creating spaces and engagements that give you the freedom to relax and explore who you are with others.




We are better together!


  • Learning does not happen in a bubble so why not make some new friends?! Encouraging others and be encouraged by others at our events.

  • No matter your age, career, or your back ground we are sure that you can connect with someone here.


Balance is good


  • We appreciate some of the finer things in life; but here at Gowns and Gardens    we know that a little grit never hurts. We are all about balance and weather you are the shabby chic type, ultra glam, or a little rough around the edges but want to explore your softer side in a safe environment we are the place for you.



The Heartbeat of Our Organization

Kenisa Nunley


Kenisa Nunley graduated from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles with a Bachelors of Arts in Global Business, with an emphasis in marketing. She chose to explore the event industry and was able to work on teams for events such as Coachella Music Festival, Adobe Max, TED Conference, Dreamforce, and Guess fashion engagements. Her business knowledge and experience in the industry led to her working in strategic partnerships for technology companies like Magento, eBay, and Permira. These experiences allowed her to grow into a dynamic professional who excels as a critical business partner, and provides strategic leadership to internal clients, and senior management teams. With a passion for fashion, beauty, health, business, and nature; Gowns and Gardens  was born. Gowns and Gardens   gives women an opportunity to step away from all of the challenges of day-to-day life and rejuvenate themselves in a way that is so often excluded from modern life. It is a chance for Women to explore and express who they are in a glamorous way, while still being nurtured by nature, and the company of friends new and old.



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Become a Partner

Like what we are doing? Want to be a part of our events? Click here for partner opportunities.  

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